Race Cars For Sale

 Gregg Racing Photo Gallery


So far this season we have run 2 and a half races, the half being a rain out after the heat races. The only good things to report so far are that the suspension modifications seem to be a major step in the right direction and the engine problems have been solved. The car ran the first 2.5 races on 6 cylinders but during the 4 week layoff we  found the electrical problem.  I can't wait to race an 8 cylinder for the first time this season, we race next on April 25th.

 I am still selling my other Race Cars to help finance this season and I can really use more room around here too.

Until later, thanks for stopping in.


Ken Gregg


P.S. I have added a page of recent photos


 EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: The 2004 2005 Ocean Speedway championship Limited Late Model and the 2001 NASCAR  Pacific coast region Watsonville speedway Championship Super Stock.

Click on the link in the upper left corner for more info...